What are CBD Tinctures?
CBD Tinctures are solutions that mix CBD oil with other ingredients. Some of these extra ingredients can be other oils or terpenes, designed to maximize the potency of the solution. The reason for this is that its designed to enhance the CBD absorption into the body, increasing the effects on normal CBD oil.
The reason many people choose these are because they have a greater effect. As the CBD is amplified and enhanced by the additional ingredients, it gives a greater effect on the body and increases the beneficial uses, such as for sleeping aid, pain relief etc, the effects are greater and therefore better received by the user.
Why do People Take Them?
People take CBD tinctures for various reasons, but there are a few common reasons as to why people will take them.
One of the most common reasons people take tinctures is to improve sleep. People often take CBD before they head to bed to help them enjoy better nights sleep, waking up refreshed and feeling replenished. Another is that it helps the person to better manage stress, helping to alleviate some of the feelings associated with stress. This can be very beneficial for people during their day-to-day lifestyles, improving the quality of life.
What’s the right dosage?
Often when we are trying anything for the first time, we recommend beginning with low doses, then increase gradually to find the optimal dosage for you. The majority of daily CBD users will find that a dose between 10 and 20mg (administered once or twice daily) is enough to provide effective therapeutic relief from a variety of common ailments. For some users, a dose as low as 5-10mg will maintain sufficient relief when taken intermittently throughout the day (morning, afternoon/early evening, and before bed).
Here at Smokey’s Cannabis Lounge, we like to use the “start low and go slow” method.
Each consumer is different and will find that a different dosage may work for them than others. This is why we suggest starting low, and gradually increasing to find the optimal dosage for you. You may find that your initial dose is sufficient for long-lasting relief throughout the day, or, you may find that the relief wears off after several hours, and you may need to re-dose throughout the day.
One of the benefits of CBD is that it has very little adverse side effects, if any at all. Some users find that amounts exceeding 30mg/day is necessary for their relief, while others find that 5mg doses twice a day is sufficient.
Users can be reassured knowing there are absolutely no psychoactive effects of CBD, even at higher mg doses. This means we can carry-on with normal daily activities, without any impairment.
Can CBD Tinctures make you high?
CBD has no psychoactive properties, so it will not give you a high.
The main active ingredient in hemp is CBD, and CBD does not have any psychoactive properties. Instead, CBD has been credited with relieving anxiety, inflammation, insomnia, and pain.