Smokey’s 1:1 THC:CBD Bath Bombs – Muscle Recovery
Eucalyptus has stimulating properties that may help to revitalize the skin and tired muscles. Known to have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, this soothing oil provides relief to minor burns, sores, bites, and cuts by decreasing pain, inhibiting bleeding, eliminating bacteria from the wound, and promoting the closing of scars.
Rosemary oil contains compounds that possess anti-inflammatory properties. Due to these properties, it can help reduce inflammation and swelling in sore muscles. Rosemary oil has a calming and soothing effect on the body and can help to promote relaxation, which can be especially beneficial for sore muscles.
Camphor helps treat muscle aches and pains, while stimulating circulation, by interacting with receptors on the sensory nerves. Camphor oil can also help reduce chronic muscle and joint pain over longer periods.
Combining CBD and THC with Your Bath
Adding CBD and THC into your bath is a way to take up your pamper session just a notch.
The combined cannabinoids will soak into your skin and reach the endocannabinoid system, providing your body with health benefits while you soak.
Simply sit back, unwind, and let the bath bomb go to work – you don’t even have to lift a finger, or a dropper bottle of oil!
How to Use Smokey’s Bath Bombs
Just like any other bath bomb, drop it into the water and watch it fizz and dissolve.
For optimum results and benefits, make sure you soak in the bath for at least 30 minutes.
The Benefits of Baths
Baths can relieve soreness in the muscles and joints: Hot water in your bath can loosen up the muscles and joints.
If you have inflammation that is causing you chronic pain, a bath can be the ideal way to help everything loosen. Plus, it can be good for muscular injuries as an alternative to – or a combined effort with – stretching and low-intensity exercise.
Baths can clear the respiratory system: You may have heard that steam clears your sinuses when you have a cold. This is true, and if you have a cold, then taking a hot bath may help. But your respiratory system can still benefit from a bath even if you aren’t ill. If your chest is submerged in warm water, the temperature and pressure of the water can help to improve airflow in the lungs. The temperature may also increase your heart rate, improving the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Baths improve blood flow: Speaking of increasing heart rate, the temperature of a hot bath also dilates the blood vessels. Vasodilation, the expansion of your blood vessels, can reduce blood pressure and really get the blood pumping around your body. This is also why your skin sometimes goes a bit red after a hot bath.
Baths can boost your mood: There is just something serene about lying in a tub of warm water and soaking in the bubbles. Warm water baths have been shown to increase serotonin levels, helping you to feel happier. You can also enhance this effect by adding in little extras – muscle soak, scented candles and, of course, bath bombs.
Smokey’s 1:1 THC:CBD Bath Bombs can help relieve:
- Sore Muscles
- Dry Skin
- Tension
- Inflammation
- Cramps
- Stress
- Tightness
- Chronic Pain